Mustard Powder To Catch Worms

Mustard Powder To Catch Worms

1 minute read

Worms are good bait for nearly all freshwater fish and bring a natural smell to your fishing presentation, which is always a plus. They can also survive for a few hours in and out of the water, allowing them to wiggle and entice fish for a good length of time. Here we'll provide a tip for making collecting them a little less time consuming if you don't have a compost bin to source them from. Mustard Powder To Catch Worms.

Mustard is not something most people would associate with worms, but this method really does work. The mustard water irritates them, and they head to the surface to escape it.

Materials Needed

  • Watering can
  • Dry mustard powder
  • Water


  1. Mix the water and the dry mustard powder in the watering can.
  2. Sprinkle the mixture on an area of the ground.
  3. You should immediately begin to notice worms heading up to the ground and running for unspoiled soil.
  4. Rinse them off before you store them to keep them healthy.

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